Your new Travelblog
Tell your story with a map
It is this easy
Tag places you have visited on a map
isTraveling is built for travelers, so we made it really simple for you to create a Travelblog. Once you have chosen a name you are ready to go and can start adding new places to your travel map.
Write your story
You can then continue by writing down your personal stories about every place you have visited in our easy to use Blog editor.
Decorate everything with your photos
To make it all look nice and neat, one can easily upload photos to your blog. From your laptop, your Phone or Tablet, no matter what device you are on.
So what are you waiting for? Start your blog now and sign up, its free! Or check out or an example blog, that we have prepared for you.
Join our growing community of blogging globetrotters and get started by creating a travel blog for free
We believe that

less is more

so we have broken down travel blogs to what we think are the two most important things.

The Where and the What.
With our travel blog, you can easily show your friends at home where on earth you are, by tagging all the places you have visited on a travel map. No limits, tag as many you like to fit your journey. And of course we have made it easy for you to show what exactly you are up to on the other side of the globe. Your story is best told by your photos and your words. So we have kept that in mind when designing isTraveling.

You do not have to worry about design and code, thats our job, you can focus on creating beautiful content and of course your travels

Looking forward to seeing you on

- Andreas, founder of isTraveling

Go Mobile

Write your travelblog every where you go.
Our application also runs inside your smartphone‘s or tablet‘s browser.

Über uns

Auf isTraveling kannst du deinen eigenen Reiseblog erstellen und alle Orte, die du besucht hast, auf einer interaktiven Karte markieren um sie mit Verwandten und Freunden zu teilen. Egal wie weit dich deine Reise noch bringen wird.